Football unites

FARE network


About us

The FARE Network represents supporters groups, NGOs and community groups from across Europe working to tackle discrimination and to use the social appeal of football to overcome exclusion.

The network began in 1999 at a meeting convened in Vienna by groups from across Europe.  The meeting, which included fans groups, NGO’s, football associations and player unions, wanted to establish a common strategy and policy against racism and xenophobia, and thus the FARE network was created.

Today the network has active partners in more than 40 countries in Europe and is working across the game with fans, players, community groups, migrant and ethnic minority organisations, and governing bodies, including UEFA, to tackle discrimination and work with minority groups. By supporting and nurturing grassroots groups and combining the voices of ordinary fans, FARE acts as an umbrella organisation for those seeking to challenge racism, homophobia, sexism and disability discrimination throughout Europe.

FARE Network activities

The FARE Network is involved in a number of projects and activities. These include,

FARE Action Weeks – The Action Weeks take place each October, with the objective of uniting supporters, clubs and community groups in a concerted effort to tackle discrimination. In 2011, the action weeks included activities in over 42 countries. The initiative receives the support of UEFA who dedicate activities to the campaign at all 40 UEFA club competition matches taking place during the period of the action week, including Champions League and Europa League fixtures.
For further details of the FARE action week click here

Eastern European Development Project – This project is the precursor to the Football Unites campaign at Euro 2012. It has been led by the Never Again Association to develop long- term activities across Eastern Europe. Over a period time there has been an increase in far-right and racist activity at football matches across Eastern Europe. The aim of this project is to provide a hub for monitoring, working with small community and fan groups, developing expertise and provide a campaigning hub for FARE in the region.
For further details of the project click here

Mondiali Antirazzisti – The anti-racism world cup is a unique coming together of supporters and projects near Bologna, Italy dedicated to fighting racism, taking place each July. The first Mondiali was held in 1998, since then it has grown to over 4,000 people take part each year. Over 200 teams (male, female and mixed) include groups of Italian ultras, supporters from European teams big and small, migrant associations and youth groups.
For further details of the Mondiali click here

FARE also has a facility for fans to be able to report discrimination occuring at matches and co-ordinates an education programme of activities.
For details of all FARE projects, click here



